These are in no particular order, and stretch from my very first contract signing in 1976 to last week. Enjoy … and please no wisecracks about the hair. I used to have tons; now I have none. I get that.
Wait – why is there a RED PANDA on the cover of my upcoming book SNOOP? (Can’t answer that just yet, but keep checking my website for the answer.)
My favorite fan art of 2025 so far: The Canadian author riding to a school visit on his moose! Thanks to St. Mark School in Plano, TX.
My head on a plate? Did some rival author do this? (Actually, it’s from when I stopped by the awesome Museum of Illusions on a recent school visit trip to Washington, DC.)
The latest must-have item for the 21st century teacher: THE UNTEACHABLES official apple stress ball. Tell me you’re not more relaxed already!
In honor of all the awesome schools I’ve visited over the years, I wore a different school t-shirt every single week for an entire year – like this one from Cullen Elementary in Glendora, California.
To see the others, CLICK HERE
Another instant school visit classic: Hmmm. I’m … honored?
Just when I thought it was safe to go back to the library … Luthor is even more fierce than I thought!
MACDONALD HALL has come to the small screen! Here’s the poster from BRUNO & BOOTS: GO JUMP IN THE POOL
Scenes from Scholastic’s Summer Reading Road Trip. That’s the one and only (creepily puppet-wielding) R.L. Stine on the right.
The official Gordon Korman “READ” poster, courtesy of the media wizards at North Broward Preparatory School.
Proof positive of my Canadian origins. (Age: 9. Most recent haircut: unknown.)
With Kwame Alexander, waiting to sign books at the legendary Texas Library Association conference. (Matching glasses and haircuts unintentional.)
With Brandon Mull, James Dashner, Jude Watson, and Seattle’s famous bridge troll. Note the superpowers we acquired on the Worlds Collide tour.
Ingenius kid-designed logo of my name – another fringe benefit of visiting a lot of schools!
Don’t you think any great series deserves its own pastry? I present the official HYPNOTISTS cupcake!
At age thirteen at my first contract signing for THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING AT MACDONALD HALL.
With NY Giants defensive end Justin Tuck at Tuck’s RUSH for Literacy.
Check out this cool cover design for the German edition of MASTERMINDS. Very different, but I kind of love it! (FYI, the subtitle translates to “In the Eye of Power.)
With “Tin Man,” the UNGIFTED robot, courtesy of Fischer Middle School.
The 39 CLUES team in Times Square, New York City, after opening the NASDAQ stock exchange. That’s me on the left, with Jude Watson, Peter Lerangis, and Patrick Carman.
Cover design for WHATSHISFACE, minus the tag-line.
With Whoopi Goldberg and Peter Lerangis after 39 CLUES: ONE FALSE NOTE webcast.
Onstage with the cast and producers of BRUNO & BOOTS: GO JUMP IN THE POOL.
Turning our Worlds Collide superpowers on Brandon Mull, with the help of Rick Riordan (2nd from left).
Poster for Nickelodeon’s SWINDLE.
School visit, age 15. Yikes! Those clothes; that hair!
Stlylin’ in my Macdonald Hall blazer at the GO JUMP IN THE POOL premiere.
The cover of UNGIFTED in Turkish. FYI the SIZ of YETENEK(SIZ) actually means “un.” (In Turkish, it’s a suffix, not a prefix.)
At the National Book Festival.
At Gracie Mansion with former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
From the vault: My original 39 CLUES agent card.
With the kids of Macdonald Hall and Miss Scrimmage’s.
With Whoopi again, onstage at the ONE FALSE NOTE webcast.
If you can have HYPNOTISTS cupcakes, why not RESTART muffins?
The 39 Clues team on the Iron Throne from TV’s Game of Thrones. Hope we look suitably solemn.
In action in Tucson, Arizona during THE MEDUSA PLOT tour.
The original 39 Clues authors. From left – Riordan, Korman, Watson, Lerangis.