My first novel came out in 1978, so you’ve got a lot to choose from! I’ve written over eighty books in all, including humor, action/adventure, mystery, historical fiction, and even a little poetry. So what’ll it be? Individual novels? Series? Teen? The oldies but goodies from when I was just a kid?
This is the really new stuff – just
released, or not even published yet. I don’t play favorites with my books – like with my kids, I love them all the same. But I’m always the most psyched about what’s newest – and I’m dying to find out how my readers enjoy it! Get the latest HERE!
I’ve been writing series ever since
the 7th grade English project that started my writing career, and I have no intention of stopping. Some of my best selling and most popular books come from series. Check them out HERE.
There’s something special about
creating a group of characters and taking them out for a spin like a well-tuned Lamborghini. You’ll find a lot of the books I’m proudest of RIGHT HERE.
I’ve been writing for teens ever since
I was, well, a teen. Some of my all time favorite novels are the ones I created for a young adult audience. To learn more about them, CLICK HERE.
I love the classics! This is my real
old-school stuff. This group includes novels that were written when I was in high school and even middle school. Some of these books have been read and enjoyed in FIVE different decades – the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, and today. GO OLD SCHOOL.