The Jersey Episodes

Hello Mr Korman this is Darion and as a longtime Disney Channel viewer growing in the 2000s I used to watch a show based on one of your books, The Jersey.

Long story short Disney hasn’t put any episodes on Disney+ leaving fans of the show having to scour the internet for episodes. About 36 episodes so far have been found and we need 29 more episodes.
I’ve asked the director of the show Thomas Lynch if had any spare episodes and he said he didn’t. 
Now I’m taking a long shot and asking you if had any episodes to send me so I could upload to YouTube because it’s not just for me personally. It’s for the fans of the show, cast members like Jermaine Williams can show his kids his work and for the lead actor Michael Galeota who passed away without a mention from Disney so I would love to see the full series come to light based on that.