I’m back from the masterful MASTERMINDS tour, exhausted and super-psyched. I visited amazing schools and libraries, fantastic bookstores, and met huge numbers of freshly-minted MASTERMINDS fans. The book is still less than two weeks old and has already begun to creep onto bestseller lists around the country!
Here are some scenes from the tour:
With Serenity-made traffic cones and the Serenity Cup at Daniels Middle School, Raleigh, NC.
In action at St. Andrew School, Bucks County, PA. Yikes – what a profile!
Austin, Texas – my name in lights! Well, on a marquis that lights up. Anyway, it’s at Book People, so it has to be awesome.
Leave it to the true masterminds of West University Elementary in Houston to fold a harmless MASTERMINDS bookmark into a lethal ninja star. Duck!
At Reilly Elementary in Austin – a hotbed of (non-criminal) mastermind activity.