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    Hello Mr. korman

    I\'ve been a fan of the On the Run and the Kidnapped Series. The first book I read was chasing the falconers in 2012 and I immediately fell in love with series and the characters. I felt relatable to the characters and it was so well written.  And I just wanted you to know that I\'m a big fan and that you see this. This series should\'ve been a movie it\'s really underappreciated and deserves more recognition. And I just had a few questions


    The first is have you considered writing another series about the falconers in a different time, a few years after Meg was kidnapped. Like when they\'re adults if you know what I mean. Cause I would love to see them in action again if possible but I feel like they need a break from being chased and kidnapped lol.

    The second is a pretty weird question but what do you think Aiden and Meg Falconer are doing now in 2024? Like what careers do they have, are they married, what have they been up to since Meg was rescued, how are their relationships with the other characters like their parents, agent Harris, etc. just basically their status in 2024.


    I hope you see this and hope to hear from you soon. thank you for the series they\'re basically the only books I\'ve ever enjoyed.


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